Review: Hexaquest
Updated: Dec 7, 2021
A Wiseman, a Treehugger and Movie Buff walk into a game... There is no punchline here it is Hexaquest. This is a new twist on trivia, it adds in a layer of strategy on your trivia game. But do not worry we are not getting into a strategy game like Axis and Allies by any means.
This week we took the play-testing on the road. We figured that beer and trivia are well paired and we headed out to our local brewery to enjoy a couple of pints and Hexaquest. I had Pete one of my trivia team members (go Cat Party!) and Andrew a good friend who plays a cutthroat version of Trivial Pursuit at every family gathering along to play Hexaquest. So you know we were going to give this game a thorough testing.
There are 64 hexagon tiles that come with this game and they are high quality and double sided. Perfect for the table at the brewery or your game table at home. All the hexagon pieces are dual sided. One side has a number and the other a color with an icon indicating the category. The base game comes with 6 categories that you can answer questions from. This is a strategy/trivia game but the strategy aspects do not detract from the thoughtful questions Martin Soderhamn and his team at Tumbling Heads have come up with.
...maybe its the night you play trivia in the shape of a giraffe.
To setup the game to play you mix-up your 64 hexagonal pieces in the gorgeous high quality drawstring bag with embroidered Hexaquest logo (Already unlocked in the KS campaign). Then we found it best to dump them out on to the table and push them together in to a tight blob of trivia. Some of the tokens will have the numbers showing and some the category side showing. You can form them into whatever shape you want at this point be creative maybe its the night you play trivia in the shape of a giraffe.
So the each turn is pretty easy your pick a piece up and then someone reads you the question from the corresponding category and level. The strategy part comes in here you might want pick based on the point value (difficulty) or you may want to choose based on the category. There are also pieces that have a "?" on it and that lets you choose whatever category you want and the points are doubled so you can answer an easier question for more points. The only restriction is that you must be able to slide the tile out. If you try to slide it out an it will move other tiles then you can not pick it up. Its that easy.
There are 6 categories that come with the base game and another 6 that you can add on with one more that can be unlocked in the stretch goals in the kickstarter. There are plenty of questions and plenty of categories to suit your family or trivia teams interests. Below are the categories that are currently available. Each of the categories comes with the tokens to support them.
Base Game Catagories
BACKPACKER | A world to explore. No place is too big or small. Geography.
HISTORIAN | Our bookworm friend loves the old days. All about history.
TREEHUGGER | Our favorite hippie enjoys animals and nature.
GOURMET | Oui Monsieur. Fine dining and food for thought.
MOVIEBUFF | Lights, camera, action! Explore the amazing world of film.
WISEMAN | You better know it all because the Wiseman does. Anything goes.
Add on categories
PRODIGY | Move over mom and dad, this one's for the kids! | 7+
FANGIRL | Every comic book nerd’s dream. | 14+
GAMER | Puts even the most hardcore gamer's knowledge to the test. | 14+
ROCKSTAR | An incredible journey into the world of classic rock. | 18+
GOSSIP GIRL | Get scandalous and explore who's who! | 18+
DETECTIVE | Enter the gory world of true crime. Not for the faint of heart! | 21+
Take this game to the bar for some bar trivia or bring it to the next family gathering. This fun new twist on trivia games is fresh and fun and fully funded on Kickstarter, so go back it now while you can. You have until December 10th to back it and get in on this delightful game.I'll be using this to prep for the next time I go on the Quiz Quiz Bang Bang podcast (your going down Team of the Millennium).
Designed by: Martin Soderhamn
Players: 2+
Published by: Tumbling Heads
Year Published: 2022
Recommended Ages: 14+
Time to Play: 15-90 minutes